Would you like to help letters hookup! In Word Hookup, you gotta hook-up letters so as to make words. It's a new type of word game that combines word puzzle and path finding puzzle. Your objective is to find the words hidden on the level board by swiping and connecting letters with a continuous path. The dual challenge is to find not just the words, but also to draw the path such that the path covers the entire board.

Find the Words

Search the letters for words to make based on the theme

Star Words

Star Words are other words that can be made using the letters for the level

Intersecting Paths

Later levels have pegs, which can be used to 'hook around' and allow paths to intersect


Connect the Letters

Once you have identified the words for the level, drag from letter to another to form paths and make words

The Background

The background provides the theme for the level, and gives you an idea of what the word might be

Common Letters

When there are multiple words in one level, they share letters


Shareable Puzzles

Solve and share the below puzzles with your friends and challenge them. You can easily share these images on Whatsapp or Facebook or messenger. Use the copy button to copy and paste the text below in your message, and then share any of the images below.